MasonicBoys - Apprentice Tate Ch 7 - The Ordination - Adam Snow Ethan Tate 720p

Apprentice Tate is nearing the end of his training. Since his arrival here, he's been put through his paces, and the transformation has been extraordinary; he was once an unkempt, tattooed, arrogant wild child, but he's become a thoughtful, open and compliant young man. The Masters are incredibly pleased with his progress. I have taken a great personal interest in the boy's development and consider myself lucky enough to have been present at many of the rituals which have made him who he now is. It has been a pleasure both to instruct him and to observe his being instructed by some of the finest Masters in The Order.
I was thrilled, therefore, to be tasked with the honor of overseeing his all-important Ordination, which is widely regarded as the completion of an Apprentice's lengthy journey. Many fall by the wayside and only the very finest Apprentices reach this stage. An Ordination is the point at which a boy fulfills the promise of purpose and becomes a member of The Order.
Video: mp4 , 1280x720px. , 2066 Kbps , 00:28:20 , 445.94 MB
Audio: mp4a-40-2 , AAC , N/A ,Lossy

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