Belami - Sun & Sangria Part 4

Mark Laysson, Ethan O'Pry, Jamie Eliot, Bobby Kanne, Tommy Clapton, Kyle Brady, Bruce Harrelson, Clint Newman, Kian O'Connor, Oscar Scholz, Riff Dornan, Virgil Avedon, Ayden Mallory, Claude Sorel, Jerome Exupery, Oscar Kraus
Sun & Sangria part 4: As this trip to Spain was the first major production for most of these guys we're happy to be able to bring you all these new faces and new personalities. Of course, there are a few crossover guys from the Cape Town series to help settle the newbies into the reality that there is almost always someone following them around with a camera.
Today we start off with Ethan in the shower and let the guys take it from there....
Video: mp4 , 960x540px. , 2574 Kbps , 00:13:18 , 258.84 MB
Audio: mp4a-40-2 , AAC , N/A ,Lossy

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